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Saturday, October 16, 2010

The inclusive Education Implementation:What is it?

Inclusive Education is now being promoted as it encourages cooperation in learning for all learners despite the levels of learning and other physical disabilities found in learners.
According to Doctor Murinda (2005:20)"...inclusive education in Zimbabwe means a variety of educational provisions for children with special needs ."Murinda further points out that children who previously segregated in schools have been or are now accommodated in mainstream classes.Inclusive education in Zimbabwe is a structure or system whereby all the different types of learners learn together.The learners can be identified as slow learners,gifted and those who are physically challenged that's visually impaired,hearing impaired and so on.The teachers should include all these learners despite their challenges under one roof in a classroom situation.
Inclusive education is being implemented in most schools as a way of promoting living and learning together in an effort to do away with the spirit of segregation,isolation of those learners with challenges and promote them to have the sense of working with their peers as is normal in any community setup.
This type of education can be effective through the provision of special devices and other suitable strategies that can overcome these challenges faced by the learners.For instance ,the visual and audio impaired devices, use of large visual charts and audiograms respectively are useful.
Learners are involved to assist each other as children learn from peers more conveniently than when only left alone of those with same challenges. As they need the assistance of the teacher only and have difficulties in learning for peers.
Inclusive education promotes interaction among learners .The communication skills improved and most pupils tend to tolerate others ' problems in their learning groups.
The differences among learners discovered to promote richness and diversity.The variety in knowledge application and reasoning developed across sharing of ideas and cooperation without isolation.
The inclusive education encourages those with physical challenges to enhence their sporting activites.In Gwebi college primary school pupils who are physically handicapped have no problems of co-operating with others during sporting sessions.The teacher can include all pupils in the mainstream as they are exposed to these social facilities accessible to all community members and are being incoporated by other members of their community despite of their challenges.
Inclusive education tries to bring the real society that is normal with all people of different reasoning and abilities. If the society have same people without differences it ceases to be normal.USA president Esenhower once said,"it takes all sorts of people to make a world."As a result inclusive education promotes teamwork among all different groups of pupils without discrimination of physically challenges. Since pupils have different learning levels and different social backgrounds ,interests and ambitions learn in mixed grouping can develops the sense of working together and efficiently benefits everyone .
Inclusive education is good to the teacher who is dynamic ,flexible ,reflective in ability to change according to the demands of the situation. The use of different teaching methods and different pupils' organisation and activities is encouraged.These methods,organisation and activities assist all learners to meet their needs and enhance motivational stimulus for the progression on lessons.
The system has its own challenges.Which may need holistic approach to promote the learning of togetherness.The inclusive education tend to neglect the special needs of children.
According to Child(1976) pupils with special needs require individual instructions and extra love as they feel neglected because of their needs.Although inclusive education treat children according to their needs,it is difficult for the teacher to provide the much needed care, espeacially the handcapped who need extra care as they feel neglected.
Parents of disabled children may not happy in including their children in these classes because they think their children would not benefit well because of their challenges.
Inclusive education promote slow learning environment as it accommodates those learners and others with physical challenges.

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