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Removal and minimise of dirt for Sustainable Living in our Homes!

Dirt can removed by collecting through sweeping ,washing,dusting and suction. It can also dispersed by shaking carpets outdoors.
Dirt can be minimised by make use of open space around our houses by planting flowers.Flowers are important because they decorate our houses as they sprout colourful and beautiful flowers in colours such as pink ,white,blue,red etc.Researchers had also found out that these flowers produce scent which feels our air and nourish it for our quality breathe.At the same time flowers keep dust depressed from being blown away by wind.The grasses like lorne is useful to be planted on the open spaces.Scientists said 15cm² of lorne is sufficient to give us clean oxygen for four people.How far with about 20-100cm² lying idle at your yard?
Orchard and plantation can do best to break wind from blowing away dusts and above all provide fruits and timber for your nutritious needs that are good for your health and providing you with timber you can use as firewood or planks to repair roofs make kennels.fowl run respectively.The other open space can be used to grow vegetables and crops which are important for family consumption.
When growing vegetables and other crops it is wise not to deeply disturb the soils as it will be loosened and a lot of dusts then blow about in our houses.Practising minimum tillage is now encouraged worldwide to keep our soils intact,maintain soil moisture ,nutrients and reduce soil erosion among other effects. Effective minimum tillage can successful by using 50% and above of dry matter as mulching.Mulching is known as God 's blanket which is useful in regulating soil temparature which makes favourable for the micro organisms in soil. These soil micro organisms decompose dead matter into natural fertilisers .Mulching hold soil against be blown away by wind and being eroded by rain.
Avoid using old tins and plastics in the garden.These rubbish can not decay and can be harmful to us when working in our gardens.
Even if one do all the best above atleast dusts find its way in our houses so,cleaning processes need to be done on daily basis.
Sweeping is done for removal of non fixed dirt .Apparatus including long handle broom ,short handle broom and a dust pan.
Method is to take up mats ,close the doors and windows during the windy days otherwise the dust will be blown about .Start at the furthest point from the door.Stand behind the broom and sweep away from you so that shoes are not covered with dirt.Sweep in firm even stroke and keep the broom near the floor as possible.Pay special attention to corners and stratching boards .Take care not to knock the broom against painted furniture or painted surfaces.When the room is too big sweep it in sections and collect dusts at intervals.
If the broom is too large to sweep under cupboards use a short hand broom. The short hand broom used together with the dust pan to gather up the dust then put it in the dust bin.Remove fluff from the broom and replace it with broom cupboard.
It is necessary to mop the floor using water ,detergents and a mop.When mopping stand behind the mop and moving backwards swinging diagonally and avoid leaving dirt lines marks ,if possible repeat with clean water.These days use of environmentally free cleaning products are encouraged to keep our environment clean.
Dusting is removal of non fixed dirt .The apparatus are two cloth dusters.
The methods is to sweep before you dust and allow the dust to settle except when using a vacuum cleaner.It is wiser to dust first and then remove the dust on the floor with the cleaner.
Use clean soft dusters ,then fold on the corners of the duster so that dust is not flicked about.
Commence at the top and wave downwards.
Use two dusters to hold the article with one duster to prevent finger marks whilst dusting.
When dusting rough surfaces such as a top of cupboard ,dampen one duster with parafin or water then dusts adhere to the duster use the second to remove dampness.
Rub the surface well when dusting then shake dusters out of doors occassionally whilst dusting .After use shake dusters and keep in special place
Then apply little polish to the varnished furniture using a cloth and shine using a clean cloth.