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Saturday, October 16, 2010


With the intention to help primary school children to engage themselves in open lessons to discuss their community life issues . Children are feel much interested in sharing their life experiences in a learning mood as they are facilitated by their teacher in to a meaningful social,health and moral discussions.
Primary education is a course of eight years which is divide into two major categories. The first four grades that's 0-3 are for infants ,whilst the juniours occupy Grade four to Grade 7 where the child at the end of the year is expected to sit for the exernal examination organised and conducted by Zimbabwe Examination Council (ZIMSEC). This Grade 7 examination is the passport to go to the secondary education.
Health and life skills subject is not examinable as a discipline ,but is integrated in the general paper one and two.
The historical background of Health and life skills in Zimbabwe dates back in 1990 as the subject was taught as HIV&AIDS lesson.
HIV&AIDS lessons faced a lot of negative criticism from curriculum influencers like church organisations,parents and teachers. This is because in Zimbabwe culture it is a taboo to discuss sexual matters on the public .Religious organisations on the other hand opposed the idea of teaching and learning of HIV&AIDS related issues as they contradict with bible teachings about sex in marriage ,hence teaching the use of condoms and other sexual activities out side wedlock is found immoral practices which is totally unacceptable. Teachers as curriculum implementers regard teaching of HIV &AIDS alone as not enough for behavioural change towards reducing the spread of this disease in the Zimbabwean society.
Therefore the curriculum designers complied with the needs and expectations of the society to widen and change the subject to Health and life skills. To concur with Nziramasanga educational commission (2001)which recommends that the learner should get involved in participatory method of learning where learners are actively involved in their own learning. Roasseau the pioneer of child education advocates that children must learn from their immediate environment and should be aware of of all community issues and learn how to solve community challenges through embarking on community projects. This led to the birth of HEALTH AND LIFE SKILLS.
Health and life skills taught in juniour grades where pupils are facilitated by their teacher to discuss issues related their health,religious,social,education and social for moral development. This help to conscientise them about these issues and become aware of them as informed citizens through discussing as peers.The teacher is there to instill discipline,clarify sticking issues and give shy or quiet children to participate by saying out their views.
The syllabus has five themes which are: Relationships,friendship,family ,community and conflicts.
In all these themes the teacher breakdown these themes into teachable units developing content which is according to the cognitive level of the learners, their experiences and interests on topics like: human growth and development,Puberty,sex abstinence,health and personal hygiene ,Nutrition and diseases ,Values and beliefs and mitigation programmes.
The teacher schemes the subject and draft lesson plans with clear objectives so that the lesson has purpose and clear direction.The teaching and learning media in the form of pictures,the local community ,posters ,pamphlets etc.
Most of the lesson activities are done by the learners who are facilitated into open discussions concerning the life issues. Skills such as speaking and listening are developed ,whilst children learn to express themselves and half solved their social problems by talking about them is promoted.

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