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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ways that can help us to keep stress under managable control

I have discussed the benefits and the threats of stress. It is very necessary to avoid large amounts of stress that built up over a period of time. The daily stress management is important to reduce stresses that threaten our health.
Join social clubs or organisations:When you belong to an organisation or club is useful for you to reduce stress. Social support networks help to cope better with stress and have good mental health than those who try to do their own things alone .The social support groups are good for helping each member to take life simpler.By so doing you can able to share with others life experiences. Some organisation like churches can be very important to relieving stress as most of them encourage moral values and living by faith. It had being identified that those people who go to church are stress free than those who don't share social and beliefs with others. Some people can form social clubs like of soccer ,community where members can regulary meet and share different community issues or playing games to strengthen body muscels.
The Role of Good Communication:Talking to someone about sticking points in life is an effective way of managing stress. If you talk to your close friend about whatever concerns you even financial constraints can help you to half solved this problems as you feel eased even if your listener never gives you any penny in the case of money.There are so many counselors in life issues especially those who coach life skills are valuable to ease your stressful situations. Remember stress is caused by certain perceptions which can be changed and see your problems in different angles to discover some of the valuable solutions. Talking as couples , with friend or as collegues does much to reduce stress.
Sharing jokes and funnies with friends or collegues help to create lighter moments in the stressful situations . Jokes if done wisely without disadvantaging someone produce a lot of laughter. Laughing is both refreshing and healthful because when laughing, according doctors they discovered that the brain produces endorphins and suppresses the production of adrenaline.These hormones help to make our life longer and much healthier. Children are identified to laugh over 400 times a day than adults who can laugh for only 15 times a day this is obviously because of stressful conditions in the adults' responsible and think of past experiences in their lives.
Make use of Travels and Visiting Holiday resorts :My close friend Wegner once says ,"I thought I was poor when I walk with no shoes ,but I convinced myself to be rich when I saw someone with no feet. When making a walk around your neighbourhood or visiting art galleries,making shopping ,visiting expositions,exhibtions or sport stadia where you can watch sports help you to refresh your mind and admire new environment.Making international holidays is also one of the ideal decisions as you can visit different places meeting diferent people observing their culture's way of life. Your stress desolve away the moment you set foot in these different places,by visting there are good places with serenity background,watch wildlife, world's most wonderful attractive tourist hotspots.
Whilst in Zimbabwe tourists can enjoy this maginicent plateau in the central Southern Africa and can look for business opportunities ,buy the most popular Zimbabwean sculptures ,African crafts and arts. They also emulate the way peaceful Zimbabweans live without doubt peaceful ,loving behaviours in harmony with life others.
Some other Ways to Reduce Stress:Make regular exercise alone or with friends as ,exercising help you to fight colds,heart diseases among other benefits.
Use your incoming wisely ,priortising family basic needs and them luxuries later. However you can make supplementary sources of income through doing part time job like affiliates,bookeeping,typing,garderning ,mowing,tree cutting and many more.
Set priorities and persue realistic dreams ,other than burning to land to the moon with you little $500 per month.
Make some lighter quiet moments and accept others as you are and respect them.

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