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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Aspects of Mantaining Order for Child Development!

Objective:After go through this article the reader should be able to:
•Explain what is socialisation?
•Outline how feelings and emotions can be expressed.
•Explain the accepted norms in the home.
Socialisation is the process through which a person learns ways of thinking ,feeling and behaving in agiven culture inorder to be accepted as part of his/her society.Part of socialisation is teaching what acceptable behaviour and discouraging unacceptable. Lewton(1974) once says ,education is the selection of culture.People have to learn that there are limits to what they are suppose to do.This is what is meant by the maintenance of order.In brief socialisation and maintaining order are related.
Aspects of Maintaining Order
The expressions of feelings and emotions:
Every human beings has strong feelings or emotions about things or people at one time or another.
Hiding emotions is both impossible and unhealthy. Ther are part of the process of socialisation so learn to express your feelings in ways that take into your account the others around you and are acceptable in them as well as beneficial to yourself.
This can be done through working feelings ,work on physical activities such as sports .By talking about feelings this helps you to feel better.
You could talk to the person who arouse these feelings or someone else.Avoid see people as always wrong, or don't speak unacceptable language to blaming others as this will result in conflict rather than solution to the problem.
People who don't learn to talk about their feelings can experience serious problems such as depressions or extremely aggressive behaviour.
Avoid such unbecoming behaviours by laughing about it. Laughing is discovered to release hormones in the bloodstream that are useful in fight against stress and depression. Laugh at yourself helps you to see that the situation as not serious after all.Laughing releases the tension.
Crying can be a good way of releasing pent out feelings ,for instance grief.Especially when you are unable to express them in any other way.
Making body contacts like hugging ,stroking or holding hands are good ways of expressing positive feelings of love and affection.
They allow one to experience love and security and reasurance can help relieve tensions and worries.However body contacts may not be appropriate in all situations, as is regarded unacceptable in other societies ,especially opposite sex.
Make use of emotions cretively done through writing,acting ,singing ,music ,painting or dancing
These are standards or rules that state what a person should not do under given circumstances.Some norms can be accepted ,whilst others can't accepted in other homes and it depends with the societies or individual household. Norms differ in the home from culture to culture ,from social class to another social class and from community to community.But certain basic norms apply in any situation where two or more people live together. Infact norms help us to abide us inorder to live with other people.Norms are shared by other people so that they can have special significant when they are adhered to people can able to live peacefully.
Family life would be chaotic if members didn't do exactly that please other members. Accepted norms general across social fabrics include:
•Taking care of yourself ,clothes,appearance ,health ,loving and helping others around you.
•Respecting and helping elders ,peers or parents.
•Setting a good example.
•Wearing well tidy clothes and avoid walking bare,exposing private parts to the public.
•Telling the truth and be honest all the time.
•Avoid doing illegal activities .
•Safe guiding and improving the environment .
•Being worth of trust as expected from different cultures ,homes and community.
•Fulfilling your obligations and treating everyone with mutual respect.
It is used inorder to help children to behave in a socially accepted way.This help them to adhere to norms of groups such as the family.The children then develop conscience so that eventually they do things not because they are afraid of punishment ,but their own behaviour in terms of what they believe is right or wrong.
Approaches to Discipline
Negative sanctions ,for example smarking, withholding love,depriving the child of something ,such as watching TV.
Positive sanctions,for instance praising, or rewarding the child for doing something good instead of punishing the child for doing something wrong.
Parents or teachers should be consistant in their disciplinary measures.Very harsh and frequent punishment can have detrimental effects to the child's behaviour.

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