Suffering is part of our real life,we experience painful suffering almost everyday. This is the reason why we all expect the messianic era or the second coming of Jesus Christ to remove all the wickedness blamed for all the suffering we are enduring!But do you know that apart from religious advocacy to end all sufferings on this world ,suffering has both purpose and importance to enrich our souls as noted by
Martin Luther King Junior who says,"What doesn't destroy me makes me stronger. And Lewis asserts,"I am not convinced that suffering ... has any natural tendency to produce evils(anger and cynism). I didn't find the frontline trenches of CGS. More full of hatred,selfishness ,rebellion and dishonesty than any other place . I have seen men ,for the most part grow better not worse with advancing years and I have seen the most uncompromising subjects ..." The world viewed as a 'vale of soul making' ,so it is fulfilling its core function.
Yancey (2001) quoted a long list proposed by a catholic nun called Monic Hellwig, which outlines the advantages of suffering:
•Suffering the great equalizer brings us to the point where we may realize our urgent need for redemption.
•Those who suffer know not only their dependence on God and on healthy people ,but also on their interdependence with one another.
•Those who suffer rest their security not on the things which often and may soon be taken away ,but rather on people.
•Those who suffer have no exaggerated need of privacy . Suffering humbles the proud.By suffering people realised the importance of religion be it Christianity ,Islam ,Hindu or Bhuddha as much enduring on helping those suffering to develop morals of spiritual dependence ,humility ,simplicity , co-operation abandon in these qualities the value spiritual life with those live in comfortable life view as nosenses.
•Those who suffer expect little from competition and much from co-operation .
•Suffering teaches patience ,often a kind of dogged patience born of acknowledge dependence.
•Suffering teaches the difference between valid fears and exaggerated fears.
•To suffering people the gospel sounds like good news and not like a threat or a scolding . It offers hope and comfort.
•Those who suffer can respond to the call of gospel with a certain abandonment and uncomplicated totality because they have so little to lose and are ready for anything.Are you excited about the how suffering develops moral values in you ,but not so excited about the painful suffering. One moment you are fine the next your heart is pounding and you are sweating with fear such typical is found in most of us. Hence thousands of people suffer from panic disorder and it affects more women than men . Its not good to suffer in silence! *Are you managed to identify the moral values on the above long list which is derived by the suffering souls. I hope you shall endure suffering with a hope and purpose
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