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Thursday, September 30, 2010


Avocado also known as alligator pear or butter butter fruit contains 23% natural fats which are low in cholesterol and sodium . Avocado is now discovered to be the best option to those with heart problem and halitosis (bad breath) problem.The samples of avocados tested in the laboratory had very low traces of cholesterol detected,provides calories range from 215-322 depends on the cultivars and fruit size. The fruits are rich minerals :copper,magnesium,manganese,iron calcium, iodine,selenium and phosphorus.
A 100g portion of avocado identified to contain almost 8% of human's daily energy requirements and 30% of our mineral requirements .The mineral potassium and three major vitamins ,namely folic acid and vitamins Eand C.15 % of daily requirement vitamin A ,three of B vitamins (niacin,B6, and panthothenic acid) and mineral copper,iron,thiamin and riboflavin.
With the above nutritious facts avocado without doubt is indeed a mighty mouthful fruit!
Avocados need careful handling because it is a delicate fruit.When testing ripeness cradle them in your hands and gently pressing.Well ripened avocados some remain green others turn brown or purplish like .The succulent flesh will easily melt in your mouth and need not to be chewed hard.
Avocado fruit provides also good dietary 13.5 grams fiber ,vitamin K and foliate.
Hence avocado is the most nutritious of all fruits and has high contribution to industrial and human diet.
In Zimbabwe avocados grown freely with minimum management in the eastern highlands.Other places like Harare and Mutare growers have to intensively monitor its growth during nurseries and early growth inorder to establish it very well.
The avocodo is not a vegetable but a tree flowering plant in the family lauraceae a native in South and Central America in countries like the Caribbean and Mexico.
Most of the fruits are find their way in produce markets,supermarkets and various food outlets in the international markets.
Avocados is an international food found in Americas,Australia ,Africa ,European countries and among others.
When buying from the market buy firm fruit which will spend one to five days to ripe.If you need quick ripening place in relatively cool place and cover them with newspaper and place in air-tight containers and check their progress on daily basis to avoid over-ripen or decay.
If slow ripening is an option placing in the fridge whilst still hard .They will remain hard for almost three weeks or a month.
When needed remove from the fridge and follow the quick ripening process as above.
Avocado can be freeze by mash it flesh and sprinkle with lemon juice and seal with tight container in deep freezer.Lemon juice prevents discolouration .
When cooking avocado avoid boiling because they become unbelievably bitter.
Avocados used to prepare delicious dish with a difference.These are avocados with angerfish and yoghurt,avocado mealie lagan,nutty avocado patties,crepes surprise,chicken schnitzels with avocado salsa ,chilled avocado soup and many other dishes.
Health benefits besides good for heart ,indigestion and halistosis problems mentioned above the fruit is also good for skin care ,psoriasis and hair care. Because of its health benefits the avocados used in industry to make skin and hair lotions found available in the cosmetics shops and hair saloons.

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