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Thursday, September 30, 2010


One of the best ways to explore the culture, customs,and cuisine of a country is to visit country.
There you can observe the art of the local people,have a test of local food and buy their wares.The Zimbabwe is a country in southern part of AFRICA.
Information For visitors to ZimbabweHealth Requirements: In 2008 and the previous decade Zimbabwe's social and economical performances were declining due mainly to poor internation relations and lost of lending right from world bank and IMF.This melt down necessited the outbreak of cholera in various parts of the country.The other diarrhoea related diseases were occurred in some parts of the country.
However since February 2009 after the formation of all inclusive government facilitated by SADC appointed south Africa govenrment brokered this marriage government,The socio-economic status of the country changed conducively for positive concern of human welfare.The outbreaks of diseases such as cholera is now under total control and the safe clean water is easly available in most cities including Harare.
Except children under the age of one year,all travellers arrived from infested areas are requested to possess valid vaccination certificates against cholera and yellow fever.
The pandemic of HIV & AIDS and Zimbabwe is not an exception tourists should avoid any form of sexual activities which risked to contract this diseases.If someone need to involve in any sexual intercourse should use either a male condom or a female condom.
Visiting low-lying areas such as south- east Manicaland in Gonarezhou national parks or north-west popular areas like Victoria falls,Hwange national parks or Areas in the Zambezi valley such as Manna pools and Kariba,it is advisable to take a course of anti-malaria course as precautionary measure.The antimalarial therapy are available in pharmacies around the country and should be taken just before ,during and after a visit.
Currency and Banking Hours: Zimbabwe experienced hyperinflationary environment for over 12 years until in 2008 became unmanageble and threaten economical and social survival. Because of this economical hardships the government deliberately shift to adopt the multi-currency regime which officiate the use of major currency such as USDollar, Rands, British Pounds,Yen,Pura and so on. The most common currency used is the USDollar.
The visitors may freely use all the above currency freely. And other currencies may be easly converted to USD through the Commercial banks and official designated bureaux de change.
Banks are open from 08:00hours(hrs) on Mondays ,Tuesdays,Thursdays and Fridays on Wednesdays and Saturdays open from 08:00hrs to 13:00hrs . The banks are closed on public holidays and sundays.
Major cards such as Mastercard ,Barclays ,Visa,American Express and Diners Club are accepted in most hotels ,departmental stores and shops.Traveller's cheques are accepted at all major commercial banks .hotels and shops and convertable to USDollars.
Medical Facilities:There are public and private hosipitals which provide an adequate standard of treatment and care .Visitors should carry their medical insurance which should cover hosipitalisation costs and insurance against injury or death resulting from an accident.
Security:There are still never be an attack of foreigners in Zimbabwe since 1980. Despite some incidents of violance 2000,2002 and 2008 of which the major international media powerhouses had footages of violence of Zimbabweans themselves attacking each other for political and land conflicts reasons.The situation had already normalised after the formation of all inclusive government.
The Zimbabwe security,peace and tranquility one of the best in the region. Zimbabweans are peace loving citizens. Because of ther cultural-religious beliefs which abind them to observe christianity moral love to all neighbours and visitors.The few violent elements found in any normal society are dealt with by the police.The police guide all the streets 24 hrs a day .
Don't hesitate to ask police officers when in need of help .It is advisable to carry passport with you all the time.
Hotels and lodges:Zimbabwe has international five star hotels in Harare,Victorial Falls,Nyanga,Bvumba,Masvingo and Mutare.
There are also options of other hotels which offer hospitable services across the country in every province.The lodges are available and offer variety foods of different nationalities .The visitors should consult some of them to see whether their preferences are offered.
Eating In Zimbabwe:The traditional dish is sadza(stiff porridge) with meat and vegetables.The sadza is of corn(maize),sorghum or finger millet or Mhunga.The common is of maize.The sadza is traditionally eaten using right hand .The finger cut small slace with finger and roll it before be eaten and accompanied by relish in the for of sour milk,beef,chicken,vegetables,goat's meat or mutton.Pork ,game meat and turkey meat is also eaten with sadza.
The hotels ,restaurants and lodges offer a variety of cuisine according to the needs of the visitors.

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