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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Importance of maintain Hygiene: Hand washing and avoid Bad breath

Most schools in the world give the cleanest and smartest children prizes. The criteria include always wear clean ,neat and well ironed school uniform. Teeth well brushed and as white as snow,smooth skin well bathed and well feed with balanced nutritious meals are all components which make up a good hygiene.
Hygiene practices vary in different social cultures, what regarded as a norm acceptable elsewhere is unacceptable in other cultures.
Hygiene refers to maintaining cleanliness.The delived from Greek word "Hygieia" which means the goddess of healthy or cleanliness.
The concept hygiene related to practices of maintaining cleanliness for the purpose of preventative measures against bad smells and diseases associated with poor hygiene practices.
Personal hygiene is achieved by using regulary hygiene products such as soap, shampoos,toothpaste,toothbrush,cotton swabs,deoderant ,lip balms and many more.
Personal hygiene takes the efforts of visiting a doctor, dentist,regular bathing of body,brushing of teeth,washing of clothes,basic manicure and pedicure,feminine hygiene and health eating
Motivations from personal hygiene practices include reduction of personal illness optimal health ,a sense of well being , control of diseases spreading in the community and social acceptance as association with other is conducive due to lack bad odours from our bodies including mouth.
The interactionists emphasise on the concept of self- esteem, self- confidence and self-motivation which can be boasted by practising hygienic standards.This is because of well neat refreshing person without producing bad ordours which can cause isolation from others.Hence improve self-confidence in one's self and interaction skills become strong. The regulary well brushed teeth makes us more attractive to others and give us confidence when smiling,laughing and expressing ourselves to others freely. Bad breath associated with brownish- unbrushed teeth produce bad odour which cause to be embarrassed and can alter our sense of well-being.
Health hair,skin,nails ,nose ,mouth ,eyes and other body parts can give us self-confidence everyday . This can be supported by eating well-balanced nutritious diet which build worn out tissues,give energy,provide warmth and fight other pathogenes in our bodies.A health body is a well fed,well maintained and do a lot of exercise keep us healthy fit and well groomed .
The most effective method of keeping away from contacting diseases,get illness is good hygienic health.This means washing of hands before and after eating was commonly practised across different cultures as it reduces disease in our body when eating.It is now important to regulary wash our hands under running water more frequently after coughing and sneezing .
Skin is another major problem.The skin can produces salts and sugars more ofteny in hot
wheather conditions. Through sweating the body regulates its suitable temperature. The secretions produced in the form of sweat produce bad odours to others and need to be cleaned every day.Washing and bathing help the skin to be healthy and it is always good to take a bath daily.
If a person suffers with uncontrollable body odours it is advisable to try new fragrances,strong smelling deodorant soaps,shampoos ,or other traditional herbs with pleasant smell.
There is no genuine reason why you cna decide to walk around messing others with bad smell.
These days cosmetics and other items with various scents that can be used without problem and can be bought at a low cost in stores all over the world and even online stores. Please not underarms can be maintained hygiene simply by trimming or waxing off the hair.
Hands is the most used body part in everyday activites.This include doing work at diferent places and industries,eating ,greeting others like hand shaking in other cultures. Hands can get infections and dirty when we touch mouth or food we eat.Hands and wrists should be washed with clean running water,soap or ashes and using brush if we have long fingernails.The use of hand towels in drying our hands is now discouraged in areas with disease outbreaks or when sharing with others. It is now advise to use a clean towel for yourself and not share with others.Ensure that you hands washed propery and procedurally after:
using the toilet.Before making or eating food and after, handling pets and animals such as dogs ,cats,chickens ,cows etc
If you have interacting with people coughing and sneezing.After you come back from work where you meet different people and contact various objects.
Bad breath is because your teeth ,gums and mouth are infected with diseases caused by bacteria .It is scientifically known as 'halitosis'. Most people's saliva don't circulate whilst asleep. Some foods such as onions and garlic cause bad breath. Smoking ,keeping mouth dry and irregular brushing consequently cause us to have bad breath.
A good dental hygiene includes regular brushing and flossing of teeth.Mouth washes,sprays and flavoured chewing gum can help make good breath.It is advisable to see a dentist regulary.

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