Own your own on house can be a very difficulty process especially when you don't know the technical language used by real estate agents .These are:
Mortgage is form of a loan whereby a building society builds for you and then in turn you pay back the money monthly instalments or at any intervals of time you will have agreement with the building society and you will charged interest.
Valuation is the act of deciding how much money something might be sold for or the amount of money decided on. For example one can receive a house loan of up to 95% of the official valuation at properly for the company can offer 50% discount on valuation fee to new borrowers.
Subsidence is the sinking of land or building to a lower level that is household insurance premiums have been increased by 65% to the high cost of subsidence in the area.
Surveyor is someone who survey the property of someone who want to buy the house.
When planning to buy a home certain things ought to be taken into consideration.
These are:
•The cost is improtant to consider the cost of the site and the cost of the house.If the cost is too high ,it might be necessary to reduce the cost of the house by looking elsewhere where you can have a house and meet the size of your family.If the main drainage is not available ensure that the type of land is suitable for sceptic tanks and french drains.
•For convenience choose a suitable size of a house in surroundings where the family would be happy for many years.The site should be convenient :within reach of the place of work,near schools,churches ,near shopping facilities.
Near to sporting or ther public facilities should be placed where it will be adversely affected by future developments.Located where communication,electricity,water and drainage are available because if they are not immediately, they may be very expensive to instal at a later stage.
Effect on Health,fresh air and sunlight are essential for good health yet the top of a hill may not always ideal.A site that is on or close to a marshy area may cause chills and rheumatism.
Other climatic conditions may cause certain disorders such as asthma will affect the choice of your site if you are septic to it.
Avoid choosing a site close to a source of smell ,for example sewarage ,pump,power station ,mining site etc.
Smells may be harmless ,but may make it necessary to keep your windows close ,so as to prevent fries and adequate ventilation into the house.
Locality overlaps with convenience mostly but few more points need to be considered.Locality should suit all family members.House to be built should be of similar standard those in the same area.The value of the land determine the standard of the house.
Note ,whether other houses are well maintained showing pride of ownership or you are likely to get on well with the inhabitants in the same area .Your children usually will find friends in the neighbourhood so keep in mind the choice of the area.
Water Supply should be fresh plentiful and unpolluted domestic water is essential .In areas where only rain water or where only it's availabilty it should be tested to ensure that its not contaminated by sewarage or other substances.Sceptic tanks in the vicility may pollute ground water over a considerable area .Water supply must be free of any pollution.
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